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Monday, January 16, 2012

12 week survey

I guess we'll stick with this blog for now for baby updates :)

How far along?: 12 weeks
How big is baby?: maybe 2 inches long?
Weight Gain?: Not sure if I weighed 120 or 125 to start. But I weighed 129 last week. So either 4 or 9 pounds.
Maternity Clothes?: Pants for sure now! They are so much more comfortable.
Sleep?: Depends on how Amelia does and how much I drank before bed.
Best moment this week?: Taking Amelia to play in the park. The weather here has been pretty mild for January.
Food Cravings?: Sugary things. Food just sounds blah though in general.
Gender?: No clue. I want both a boy and a girl :) I will be thrilled with either. It would be fun for Amelia to have a sister close in age, and it would be neat to experience raising a boy (especially since we have to miss out on Liam.)
Stretch Marks: None
Movement?: none
What I miss?: Not having a sick feeling most of the day.
Belly Button?: Still in
Labor Signs?: none
What I'm looking forward to?: Finding out the gender and seeing if this babe is healthy and heart healthy. Hoping we see specialist in 6 weeks.
Nursery progress: There is no nursery here in our small apartment! The baby will be in with us :)
Main symptoms this week: Fatigue, nausea, bloating... Hoping to ween Amelia soon. I think my milk supply completely tanked, so she is basically nursing for comfort. She finally likes cow's milk and drinks it a few times a day.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

New Year, New Blog


We kind-of started a new blog because of so many new things happening. First, we live in Colorado now. Second, we are expecting another little baby in July. Anyways, there are so many updates and things to talk about. The other blog is private for now, but I will post a link to it when it goes public.