Short version of birth story
I went in for my appointment with the midwife on Wednesday, March 5 at 10:45am. She checked me and said I was 4-5 cm and 60% effaced! Wow, I'm on my way I thought. She said that she couldn't feel the head though and needed me to have an ultrasound done to check the baby's position. My heart sank and I thought, great another breech baby! I called my husband and texted a few other people and said, pray! Sure enough baby was transverse! This whole pregnancy I was told the baby was head down, so I never worried about position. My doctor came in and told me to head directly to labor and delivery and that I needed to be monitored to see if I was in labor. My husband met me at the hospital and we both cried. I desperately wanted another vbac and had prayed for one the entire pregnancy. After being monitored for an hour, the doctor came in and told me that I was contracting every 2-3 minutes. He did another ultrasound and now the baby was footling breech, little stinker! And I was 6 cm dilated. I now was feeling more contractions and knew I was in labor. Dr. P, brought another doctor in to give her opinion and both agreed my only option was a c-section. No turning baby or vbac. I decided to put aside my feelings and chose to be excited to meet our baby. Our friend is a nurse practitioner at the hospital and he met my mom at the entrance to get our camera and bags. I was prepped quickly and was in the operating in a half hour after talking with the doctor. It was a whirlwind! Dr. P. let Patrick announce the gender. I asked if the baby was out because I didn't feel anymore tugging but I also didn't hear any baby cries. The baby was out and over on a side table being checked out. Patrick went over and brought the baby to me and said, it's a boy! We laughed, cried and kept saying, it's a boy?? It's a boy!!! My recovery right out of surgery was rough and painful. It took them 2 hours to get my pain under control. I wasn't Able to hold him or nurse him for awhile because of this.
I might do another post of more details of the day :). For now, here are some pics of the first few days of Isaac Matthew's life. :)
Patrick prepped for the operating room. What a whirlwind!
Daddy with his second son. What a privilege and honor to get a chance to have another son. Makes me cry just thinking about it!
My baby boy. Xoxoxoxoxo
Biggest sister Amelia. She's so happy to have "our" baby here. Colette wouldn't get in the picture :(.
My babies that I have here on earth. I couldn't be happier!