Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Newborn pictures

I am still behind on blogging some posts. Anyway, I am slowly starting to catch up.

My friend Libby is a great photographer. She came over to our house when Amelia was 13 days old and took some pictures for us. Here are few that I have to share with you all.

Go to Libby's blog for some more info. on her photography. :)

Friday, October 22, 2010

1 month old already!

**Miss Amelia is one month old! She has met many people her first month of life. She has made trips to Saginaw, Midland and Grand Rapids. She has been to church twice and over to Grandma and Grandpa Buchinger's and Grandma and Grandpa Draper's houses. Most days we spend at home enjoying our time together.

**She does not like tummy time and actually rolls over onto her back to get out of it. She is a wiggle worm!

**She was throwing-up about once a day, until the last two days, where she threw-up 3 times. Not just spitting-up but projectile vomiting. She seems to be more gassy and uncomfortable. We are going to the doctor to talk to her about her stomach issues later.

**Amelia is overall a content baby. She has been very alert the past 2 weeks. She likes to look around and sometimes when she makes eye contact, she crosses her eyes. It is sooo cute.

**We used the nipple shield to start breastfeeding, but took her off of that when she was 10 days old. She now loves to feed.

**Daddy and Amelia sit and play piano together. We are hoping she will take to it!

**She is now in size 1 diapers and in both newborn and 0-3 months clothes.

**She does not like a pacifier.

**She weighed 7 lbs. 4 oz. at 2 1/2 weeks old and grew 1/4 - 1/2 an inch. We will hopefully have her weighed tonight and update her weight. UPDATE: She now weighs 8 lbs. 8 oz...that means she gained 20 ounces in 11 days!! Woo-hooo!

This past month has been challenging, but rewarding. We love our little girl so much already! What an honor to get to be her parents! Thank you Lord for this opportunity!!

Amelia has been starting to smile in the last week. She does half smiles or little quick ones. I was able to snap a picture of her trying to smile!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

4 week postpartum survey

Postpartum survery...4 weeks.

How far along were you when you had your baby? according to my calculations 37 1/2 weeks...according to the doctors 38 1/2 weeks.
How long was labor? c-section because of breech position
Total weight gain: 27 pounds
Total weight loss since:22 lbs...I weighed 130 at 2 weeks postpartum...only 5 lbs to go baby!
Back into your own clothes yet? Mostly...maternity pants still are comfortable because of the incision.
Did you get stretch marks? no.
Did you deliver vaginally or by c-section? C-sec.
Best moment this week: Seeing Amelia roll over...she did it 4 times in a row today! and Grandma Cherie was here to see too :)
What I miss about being pregnant: Feeling her moving inside me.
How big is baby: She was 6.15 at birth...I think she's probably 8 to 9 now.
Baby's temperament? She is usually content and more alert now. She does have her gassy moments and she doesn't like to be changed. But overall she is a good baby so far.
What I am looking forward to: Seeing her laugh...I think she has smiled at me a few times though.

I was super sick for close to 2 weeks with a terrible cold. I lost my voice, had tonsilitis, and was unable to sleep for several nights because of coughing episodes. I am just so thankful to feel better again! I can't believe that Amelia is almost a month old already!!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Maternity pics finally!!

My sister-in-law Emileigh took some maternity pictures for us 3 days before I delivered Amelia. We were all hanging out in Caseville and we were able to go down to the beach and get some pictures around sunset. This was her first "photography session" and it was a great time! Here are a few...

We had narrowed down the names to 3 and took a picture with all 3 names in the sand. Here is your name Amelia!

Thanks Em!!

October 15

Today is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day.

We are remembering our baby boy Liam Charles today. 7-23-09 You are now a big brother to a precious baby sister. We miss you so much everyday and we look forward to being with you in heaven one day!

We also reflect on our miscarriage of twins back in October of 2007.

Thanks for the shirt Auntie Anne!!