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Thursday, August 8, 2013

8 week survey and first appointment

I had my first appointment yesterday with the new practice here in our new hometown Jackson.  I'm not loving seeing a new doctor and midwives and I miss Saginaw!  I met with the midwife yesterday and went over paperwork things.  Pat took the morning off and we hired a sitter for the girls.  I thought we'd check for a viable pregnancy but she said no we're just doing history.  She said at 12 weeks is when you meet with the doctor and he does an ultrasound and physical.  I asked why they wouldn't just do that all in one visit.  She said, well I can do your physical today, so we did.  She ended up getting out the doppler and checking for the heartbeat.  What do you know?  She heard it right away!  170's.  She said there was no way that I was only 8 weeks, that my uterus felt like 12 or 13 and she has never picked up a heartbeat at 8.  She ended up setting up an ultrasound for that afternoon.  (Which we had to find another sitter for and we missed nap:( )...  She said maybe I had a fibroid or cyst that was making me big or maybe my dates were wrong or multiples.  There was no way my dates were wrong!  We were nerved up and the ultrasound tech was kind of cold not divulging much of what she saw.  She did tell is the baby looked good and had a heartbeat of 180.  The baby measured 8 weeks 2 days..exactly my calculations! She then said we had to sit outside the room and she would call my doctor.  Very odd situation!  Finally, she came out and said the midwife was on the phone and wanted to speak with me.  The midwife said all is fine and your baby is a super baby!  She's never heard a heartbeat that early...which I think is weird.  So yeah, we praised The Lord as we left and felt relieved.  She scared us for nothing, but I'm glad we got to see our baby.  I guess your uterus makes it way up a lot faster with each pregnancy :).

8 week survey

How far along: 8 weeks 3 days

Weight: 123

Weight gain: not sure what i started at

Symptoms: short of breath, vivid dreams, peeing a lot, queasy, tired, moody, dizzy sometimes and headachy...oh, I tried sea bands and they work!  They hurt your wrists after awhile though.

Maternity clothes: no, but I feel like I'm showing already.

Gender: thinking another girl, like 90% sure in my gut.  We are waiting to find out this time :)

Movement: nope

Sleep: not good...Colette cosleeps with us and still nurses.  Ready to end that!

Food: I'm hungry a lot but also feel queasy.  Depends on the day with what sounds good or not.

Milestones: heartbeat!

Weekly wisdom: nap when kids nap and rest as much as possible.

Sisters updates: Amelia will be 3 next month and is a typical 2 1/2 year old.  She loves learning, art, watching shows, puzzles, whining, talking and singing.  She can count to 20 and knows most sight words.    Been potty trained since last Christmas and sleeps pretty good.  She attends the 3 and 4 Sunday school at church and will be taking dance this fall.  She wants a brother :).  
Colette just turned 1.  She is a happy baby most of the time but is very clingy to mama. She says hi and bye and loves to clap and wave.  She is not a good sleeper.  She loves to eat and nurse.  The girls love each other but also fight daily.  Looking forward to adding another one!! 

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Making an appearance :)

I haven't been on here since January!  Anyways, there are 2 big pieces of news to share.  First, we are moved into our new house.  It sits on a great wooded lot and has a lot of space.  We painted the entire upstairs, trim included and will be painting the main floor in the next month or so.  We had a leak from the main bath that went down into the kitchen, that we are making an insurance claim for.  We'll be getting new wood floors and new floor in the master bath.  This house has been good for the most part...even though we've had pest issues like ants, mice and random dead frogs.  I think it will be a great house to raise our kids in!  We had our whole family over for Colette's first birthday and it was a perfect house for a large crowd.  

Outside house pics:

Pics from Colette's first birthday, You are my Sunshine:

Pic of sisters visiting big brother Liam's grave on his 4 year anniversary/birthday. We miss you Liam!!!!!!

And my brother got accepted into CRNA school down in Florida and will start in October of this year...which means they will be moving for 28 months :(.  I'm happy for them but sad and will miss them terribly!  Amelia will miss Adam and nataleigh so much!!  I'll miss my sister-in-love Emileigh like crazy!  She's one of my best friends :(

And the final news to share is this;

It's still super early in the pregnancy and I haven't been to the doctor yet, but yeah, pregnant again!  Complete surprise!  Can my body handle this??  I'm still nursing Colette!  I'm 7 or 8 weeks and feel tired and queasy here and there.  I'm taking it day by day :) and am excited for another sweet baby.  I'd like to be team green this time around but pat's not sure about that.  Praying for a healthy baby and good pregnancy.  Ok, well off to bed.  I'm one tired mama lately ;)