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Sunday, May 3, 2009

17 weeks :)

How far along?: 17 weeks
Total weight gain: still 7 lbs. total
How much does baby weigh?: no clue
Maternity clothes?: I bought a few at goodwill yesterday!
Stretch marks?: no new ones
Sleep?: I try to just sleep on my sides's super hard!
Best moment this week?: Keeping my mind off of the last ultrasound.
Movement?: I think I've had some this past week...little thumps and bubble feelings.
Food cravings?: breakfast food...juice...
Labor signs?: Nope
Belly button in or out?: I can now see the bottom of my belly's normally super deep.
What I miss: Sleeping on my back.
What I'm looking forward to: Finding out the sex and being able to see the baby's heart better.
Milestone: hmmmm......

1 comment:

Chrissy Buechler said...

Hi Megan!
So glad you are feeling well. That is a cute picture. I haven't seen you in weeks....I am so glad you took a belly pic. I painted Noah's room this week. I know you can appreciate the milestone.....

Love you!