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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

2nd appt. at UofM

We really don't know how to start this, so we'll jump right into it. We had two appts. at UofM today. The first one was with the same pediatric cardiologist that we saw last time. He did an echo of the heart and found that it looks the same as last time. The mitral valve is still leaking, the same or maybe worse than last time. The mitral valve is on the left side of his heart, the side of his heart that is developed and functioning. He also noticed that there was fluid built up around the abdomen. Our second appt., we had a level II ultrasound done. This Dr. was very blunt with us. She said that based on the fluid on the abdomen and extra amniotic fluid, that our baby is in heart failure. She said she was very worried and that based on their experience this usually keeps getting worse. If that is the case, our baby will become sick in-utero and probably pass away. She said that there is a slight chance that this could get better. She emphasized slight. She also mentioned that his gall bladder is on the opposite side of his body, maybe caused by the umbilical veins being reversed, which is probably all related to his heart developing wrong. They want to see us back down there in a month...we also have the option of being seen by the specialist in Saginaw in 2 weeks just to see how the baby is doing. But, it would just be for us to know what is going on, there is nothing they can do for him at this point. She gave us some 3D pictures, which was nice. They also told us that he weighs 1 lb. 8 oz. right now. We are still trying to process this. We have a bunch of different emotions and thoughts going through us. We still have our baby boy with us right now, kicking and squirming, and we are thankful for that! Thank you for all of your prayers.


Chrissy Buechler said...

We Love you guys and are praying for you, Pat, and your baby. You are right, he is with you right now and we have to hold on to hope! I am here if you need to talk or need a hug... Love you.... Chrissy

Jolene said...

I am sorry I haven't checked up on this sooner- I've been thinking about you and people have been asking and I haven't checked your blog lately. I wish I had seen this earlier. So many people are thinking of you guys and are behind you on this, including me and my family. We all want the best for you guys. Much love,