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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

New prayer request

Meggo is preggo again! We are expecting baby #2 on 10-01-10. I knew that getting pregnant after Liam would be very emotional and trying. Well, that has been very true so far. We found out we were pregnant 6 months to the day of Liam's birth and death. We were shocked, excited and very emotional. We both sobbed our eyes out. All of those feelings, soon turned into fearful thoughts for me. I thought that maybe we jumped into this too soon after Liam's death, especially since I am still grieving his loss so intensely. Why would I want to risk going through that pain and heartbreak again? It has been a daily battle of what-if's.
Thankfully, we have made it through the 1st trimester, the first hurdle of a pregnancy! I waited until the 11th week to see a Dr. I had seen so many doctors last time, that I wasn't quite ready to step back into appointments early on. Our baby has a strong heartbeat and is very active already. We see the specialist, Dr. Wechter, on May 10th. He will do a level II ultrasound and check this baby's heart. PLEASE PRAY!! I am already so nervous about this. I know not many read this, but for those who do, thank you for your thoughts and prayers during these past few years. I will try to be dedicated in updating our blog.


The Buchingers said...

I will continue praying for you guys! I am so thrilled that you are pregnant again! I was reading in a devotional book I have and I came across this verse... Matthew 7:11 "... how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!" I thought of you and thought it might be something to think about or ponder on. I love you both & baby Kelly too!

Kristen.Adele said...

we are so happy for you guys! you will certainly be in our prayers these next few months, but just remember that this baby is in God's hands and will be cared for unconditionally. Congrats!

Jolene said...

Isn't this interesting? It's like a reminder that it's not about when you are ready (to jump back into pregnancy), it's about when God is ready. :)