How big is baby?: 3ish pounds
Weight Gain?: I only gained 1 lb. in the last 2 weeks...what?! Is it the low/no fat diet? The doctor didn't seem too concerned. Total weight: 142...what I weighed 5 weeks ago and I guess today as well. Total gain: 17 lbs.
Maternity Clothes?: yes
Sleep?: I usually have acid coming up in the back of my throat when I'm trying to fall asleep...I wake up 3ish times to yeah, it's OK.
Best moment this week?: Seeing baby girl on ultrasound this morning...her head was down and to the left side, and her body was curled up and around, with her legs up by my right ribs.
Food Cravings?: Still hungry alot...I really would love fat greasy food though.
Gender?: sugar and spice :)
Movement?: yes, yes and yes...espcially up near my ribs now.
What I miss?: My baby boy year ago today...such a heartbreaking day.
Belly Button?: Still in...probably won't pop out.
Labor Signs?: More BH this week.. and kinda crampy sometimes. My cervix is now measuring 3.3-3.5. Still taking Procardia XL. Doctor thinks I'll deliver a couple weeks early? Don't think they can really predict that. We'll see...
What I'm looking forward to?: Tonight...spending time with close family...remembering our son.
Nursery progress: Painting was started last night by Patrick. He is super paranoid about me being anywhere near I have to peak in the room occasionally just to get a glimpse of the progress :)
Milestone: 75% of pregnancy is behind me...and can't believe it's been a year already.
I will be putting another post up this weekend about Liam, today and some pictures of his headstone. xoxo Megan
Blurry pic at work in the bathroom :)
Love you guys...and will see you tonight.
Cute shirt too!! You will have to tell me about your appointment later.
You look great! SUCH a cute belly :)
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