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Sunday, September 26, 2010

Amelia pictures and quick version of birth story

I plan on writing the complete birth story in the next few days. I'll write out that short version now. I had went in last Tuesday for my 38 week check-up. The midwife checked my cervix and said she could feel a butt. We went over to the ultrasound room to find out that baby girl was breech! I was 2-3 cm. diallated. She sent me to the hospital to talk with Dr. Fettinger and Dr. Wechter (our specialist that we have seen before). Anyways, they said I was in labor (contracting every 2-3 minutes) and thought it best to deliver her that day! We had prayed that God would give the doctors wisdom on what was best for us, so we were OK with getting a c-section (not what we really wanted though). We are just so thankful to be home and healthy...all 3 of us!!

Amelia Rose


Hannah V. said...

She's adorable. :) I ended up with a c-section with my first, as well(in a similar way as you, except the umbilical cord was too short for my lil girl). Hope you recover quickly.

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for letting my mom and I share your evening. I am in love with your baby girl. She is so amazingly perfect. Congratulations!

Sarah said...

Congratulations! She looks absolutely precious and I am so happy for you!