Weight: 16 lbs 10 oz!!! She is just so big now. I want her to slow down!
Height: not sure
Diapers: Still doing the cloth diapers. Wearing size 3 disposables. I put them on her when we go out and sometimes for overnights.
Clothes: 3-6 months are tight now. Wearing more and more 6-9 months. I just washed a load of 6-9 months that had never been worn. Alot of it is for summer though....hopefully we can layer with sweaters.
Milestones: She has been rolling again this past month from belly to back. She has not yet rolled from back to belly though. She can kind-of tolerate tummy time. Amelia loves to kick her legs and move her feet. When she gets excited she moves her arms and legs and makes cute noises. She also has belly laughed! She giggles alot now too and babbles alot of her awake time. She is constantly chewing on her tongue, lips or hands. She still drools up a storm. She is really liking sitting with help. I think she will soon be sitting on her own. She also is taking baths in the big bathtub! She loves to splash.
Eats: 100% momma still. Breastfeeding has been so good! My supply has pretty much evened out. I usually feed her on one side every 3-4 hours. Sometimes she will eat from both sides. My goal was always 6 months...can't wait to go longer! I'm so thankful for all of the support I've had from family and friends on keeping up with breastfeeding! She loves momma, but still doesn't take the bottle. We probably will just jump straight to the sippy cup when the time comes. She really likes to eat when it's quiet and she is easily distracted. This really bugs her sometimes! She still likes to make sure I'm watching her eat and she has to grab onto my hair, clothes, skin...anything.
Sleep: Eeeeek....sleep....hmmmmm. Well the positive part is that she usually falls alseep fairly easily/quickly in her crib at night, anywhere from 8pm-10pm. Most nights, she ends up in bed with us. We are so tired, that it's just easier for me to feed her in bed and not have to get back up to take her to her crib. She sleeps 11-12 hours each night...but gets up at least twice in the night(I'm hoping it's a teething thing and that she will get better soon!) Her naps have been OK. Her morning nap is her best nap, usually 1-2 hours. She has been taking an afternoon and early evening nap as well. Those are usually 30 mins-2 hours.
Loves: Jumperoo, bumbo, playmat, sitting on our laps, catching a glimpse of the television, looking in mirrors, bath time, being nude :), getting her diaper changed, being flat on her back, having us sing to her, momma's milk, daddy and momma's bed, music, reading books, watching us eat, watching us talk, being held and walked around to look at things, rolling her feet around.
Dislikes: her carseat, hats, tummy time, being woke up when she isn't ready, having to wait to eat, (she can really scream now....) having her nosed suctioned, (she can sometimes tolerate it) the bottle, hot feet
Since she hates her carseat (but she has been better)...we purchased a Britax Marathon that she will soon get to be in.
I go to a bible study on monday nights, and Amelia stays home with daddy. (except once, they both came to the church) This has been up and down, because she really likes nights with me to sometimes "cluster" feed. But it's been really good for me to have this time away. I also work in the afternoons and my mom watches Amelia. This has been working out really well.
This past month has been so nice for me! I finally am comfortable and loving being a mommy. She has developed such a personality, that I can't help but be joyful everyday. I am so thankful to be able to have this special opportunity to have a daughter. I just love her more and more each day. I can't wait to watch and be apart of her life this next month! I will probably say this every month, but I seriously think that this is the best and most enjoyable stage right now!
Here is the bow holder I made. I really don't like it too much...oh well! It serves a purpose :) I bought a stencil and painted the birds and flowers on it, and then added the ribbon to the bottom.